Worked All Provinces of China DX Contest
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op All Band (QRP/Low/High)
Single Op Field Day (QRP/Low)
Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: CW: 5 watts/SSB: 10 watts
 Exchange:BY: RS(T) + 2-character province
non-BY: RS(T) + Serial No.
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:(see rules)
 Multipliers:Each BY province once per band
Each DXCC country once per band
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 E-mail logs to:mulandxc[at]hotmail[dot]com
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:MULANDX Club
4th Floor, No. 5, Xiajiao East Road
Huicheng District, Huizhou City
Guangdong Province
 Find rules at:
 Cabrillo name:WAPC-DX
 Cabrillo name aliases:WAPC DX

 Future Dates
 0600Z, Apr 20 to 0559Z, Apr 21, 2024
 0600Z, Oct 5 to 0559Z, Oct 6, 2024
 0600Z, Apr 19 to 0559Z, Apr 20, 2025
 0600Z, Oct 4 to 0559Z, Oct 5, 2025
 0600Z, Apr 18 to 0559Z, Apr 19, 2026
 0600Z, Oct 3 to 0559Z, Oct 4, 2026
 0600Z, Apr 17 to 0559Z, Apr 18, 2027
 0600Z, Oct 2 to 0559Z, Oct 3, 2027
 0600Z, Apr 15 to 0559Z, Apr 16, 2028
 0600Z, Sep 30 to 0559Z, Oct 1, 2028
 0600Z, Apr 21 to 0559Z, Apr 22, 2029
 0600Z, Oct 6 to 0559Z, Oct 7, 2029
 Historical Dates
 SSB: 0600Z, Apr 20 to 0559Z, Apr 21, 2024
 CW: 0600Z, Sep 30 to 0559Z, Oct 1, 2023
 SSB: 0600Z, Apr 15 to 0559Z, Apr 16, 2023
 CW: 0600Z, Oct 1 to 0559Z, Oct 2, 2022
 SSB: 0600Z, Apr 16 to 0559Z, Apr 17, 2022
 0600Z, Apr 17 to 0559Z, Apr 18, 2021
 0600Z, Apr 18 to 0559Z, Apr 19, 2020
 0600Z, Apr 20 to 0559Z, Apr 21, 2019
 0600Z, Apr 21 to 0559Z, Apr 22, 2018
 0600Z, Apr 15 to 0559Z, Apr 16, 2017
 0600Z, Apr 16 to 0559Z, Apr 17, 2016
 0600Z, Apr 18 to 0559Z, Apr 19, 2015
 0600Z, Apr 19 to 0559Z, Apr 20, 2014
 0600Z, Apr 20 to 0559Z, Apr 21, 2013
 0000Z-2359Z, Oct 6, 2012