Welcome to the WA7BNM Contest Calendar. This site provides detailed information about amateur radio contests throughout the world, including their scheduled dates/times, rules summaries, log submission information and links to the official rules as published by the contest sponsors.
8-Day Calendar
Lists details for each contest during an 8-day period, starting with yesterday.
5-Week Calendar
Lists the names and dates for each contest for the current week (Monday thru Sunday) plus an additional four weeks. Weekly contests are listed in a separate section.
12-Month Calendar
Lists the names and dates for each contest for a 12-month period starting with the month immediately previous to the current month. Versions of this calendar for specific modes or QRP power are available by using the selector at the top of the page. Due to the difficulty obtaining accurate contest information, as much as 12 months in advance, not all contests may appear for later months.
Perpetual Calendar
Lists the names and dates for each contest during a selectable future calendar year that can be accurately predicted in advance.
State QSO Parties
Lists the names and dates for each contest focused on a single state or group of states in the current calendar year.
Log Due Dates
Lists due dates and log submission information for recent contests.
Historical Calendar
Lists the names and dates for all contests during a selectable past calendar year as far back as 2005.
Alphabetical Calendar
Lists both active and inactive contests in alphabetical order.
Calendar Customization
Enables you to select for display only those contests that you are interested in. Calendars affected by this customization provide you with the means to easily toggle between your custom list and the full calendar.
Weekly E-mailed Calendar
Provides a weekly e-mail of each contest and its details for an 8-day period (Monday through Monday), as well as a list of contests scheduled for the next week and a list of log submission information for recent contests. A sample is available. To subscribe to this service, send an e-mail to Bruce, WA7BNM.
RSS Feed
Wherever you see the RSS icon, the content of that calendar is available as an RSS feed. Click on the icon to access the feed.
iCal Format
Wherever you see the iCal icon, the content of that calendar is available in iCal/vCal format. Click on the icon to download to your Microsoft Outlook or Apple iCal desktop calendars.
Google Calendar
Wherever you see the Google Calendar icon, click on it to access the WA7BNM Contest Calendar on Google Calendar. It lists contests for the current and following month.