 Bands:All, except WARC
 Classes:(A) EUCW club members >5W
(B) EUCW club members <=5W
(C) Non-members
 Exchange:Class A,B: RST + QTH + name + club + member no.
Class C: RST + QTH + name + "NM"
 Work stations:Once per day per band
 QSO Points:Class A,B,C: 1 point per QSO with same country
Class A,B,C: 3 points per QSO with other EU country
Class A,B,C: 2 points per QSO with non-EU country
Class D: 3 points per logged QSO
 Multipliers:Each EUCW club worked per day per band
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 E-mail logs to:bobm5agl[at]btopenworld[dot]com
 Mail logs to:R.P. Kimpton, M5AGL
15a Buckden Road
Brampton, Huntingdon PE28 4PR
 Find rules at:

 Future Dates
 (contest is inactive)
 Historical Dates
 CW: All, except WARCm: 0001Z, Apr 24 to 2359Z, Apr 30, 2005