+ 10-10 Int. 10-10 Day Sprint+ 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW+ 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, Digital+ 10-10 Int. Mobile Contest
+ 10-10 Int. Open Season PSK Contest+ 10-10 Int. Spirit of 76 QSO Party+ 10-10 Int. Spring Contest, CW+ 10-10 Int. Spring Contest, Digital
+ 10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB+ 10-10 Int. Winter Contest, SSB+ 144 MHz Fall Sprint+ 144 MHz Spring Sprint
+ 15-Meter SSTV Dash Contest+ 222 MHz Fall Sprint+ 222 MHz Spring Sprint+ 4 State 4x4 QRP Sprint
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint+ 432 MHz Fall Sprint+ 432 MHz Spring Sprint+ 50 MHz Fall Sprint
+ 50 MHz Spring Sprint+ 7th Call Area QSO Party+ 902 MHz and Up Fall Sprint+ 9K 15-Meter Contest
+ A1Club AWT+ ADRAD Kayldall DMR Contest+ Aegean RTTY Contest+ Africa All Mode International DX Contest
+ Africa FT4 DX Contest+ AGB NEMIGA Contest+ AGB New Year Snowball Contest+ AGB-Party Contest
+ AGCW Happy New Year Contest+ AGCW QRP Contest+ AGCW QRP/QRP Party+ AGCW Semi-Automatic Key Evening
+ AGCW Straight Key Party+ AGCW VHF/UHF Contest+ AGCW YL-CW Party+ Alabama QSO Party
+ ALARA Contest+ Alaska QSO Party+ All Asian DX Contest, CW+ All Asian DX Contest, Phone
+ All Austrian 160-Meter Contest+ ANARTS WW RTTY Contest+ Anatolian RTTY WW Contest+ ANZAC Day Contest
+ ARAM 50 MHz Contest+ Araucaria World Wide VHF Contest+ ARCI QRP SK Memorial Sprint+ Argentina National 7 MHz Contest
+ ARI 40/80 Contest+ ARI International DX Contest+ Arizona QSO Party+ Arkansas QSO Party
+ ARLHS Annual Spring Lites QSO Party+ ARR BPSK63 Contest+ ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest+ ARRL 10-Meter Contest
+ ARRL 160-Meter Contest+ ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest+ ARRL EME Contest+ ARRL Field Day
+ ARRL Inter. Digital Contest+ ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW+ ARRL Inter. DX Contest, SSB+ ARRL January VHF Contest
+ ARRL June VHF Contest+ ARRL Kids Day+ ARRL Rookie Roundup, CW+ ARRL Rookie Roundup, RTTY
+ ARRL Rookie Roundup, SSB+ ARRL RTTY Roundup+ ARRL School Club Roundup+ ARRL September VHF Contest
+ ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW+ ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB+ ARS Flight of the Bumblebees+ ARS Spartan Sprint
+ ARSI VU DX Contest+ Asia-Pacific Fall Sprint, CW+ Asia-Pacific Spring Sprint, CW+ Asia-Pacific Sprint, SSB
+ Atlantic Canada QSO Party+ August UHF Contest+ Australia Day Contest+ AWA Amplitude Modulation QSO Party
+ AWA Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party+ AWA John Rollins Memorial DX Contest+ AWA Linc Cundall Memorial CW Contest
+ Balkan HF Contest+ Baltic Contest+ BARTG HF RTTY Contest+ BARTG RTTY Sprint
+ BARTG Sprint 75+ BARTG Sprint PSK63 Contest+ Batavia DX Contest+ Batavia FT8 Contest
+ Battle of Carabobo International Contest+ BCC QSO Party+ Black Sea Cup International+ Bogor Old and New Contest
+ Brazil Independence Day BPSK31 CDX Contest+ British Columbia QSO Party+ BUBBA Summer QRP Sprint+ Bucharest Digital Contest
+ California QSO Party+ Canadian Prairies QSO Party+ CIS DX Contest, CW+ CIS DX QPSK63 Contest
+ CLARA Chatter Party+ Classic Exchange, CW+ Classic Exchange, Phone+ Collegiate QSO Party
+ Colorado QSO Party+ Commonwealth (BERU) Contest+ Connecticut QSO Party+ Cookie Crumble QRP Contest
+ Cosack's Honor VHF/UHF Contest+ Council of Europe RC 20th Anniversary Challenge+ COVID-19 Radio Communication Event+ CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
+ CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB+ CQ SA SSB Contest+ CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW+ CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY
+ CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB+ CQ Worldwide VHF Digital Contest+ CQ Worldwide VHF SSB/CW Contest+ CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest
+ CQ WW WPX Contest, CW+ CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB+ CQ-M International DX Contest+ CQ-WE Contest
+ CQC Great Colorado Gold Rush+ CQC Great Colorado Snowshoe Run+ CQC Summer VHF/UHF QSO Party+ CQC Winter QSO Party
+ CQIR - Ireland Calling+ CQMM DX Contest+ Croatian DX Contest+ CVA DX Contest, CW
+ CVA DX Contest, SSB+ CW QRS Xmas Activity+ CWOps CW Open+ CWops Test (CWT)
+ CZEBRIS Contest
+ DARC 10-Meter Contest+ DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest+ DARC Christmas Contest+ DARC Easter Contest
+ DARC FT4 Contest+ DARC RTTY Sprint+ Day of the YLs Contest+ Delaware QSO Party
+ DIE Contest+ DIG QSO Party, CW+ DIG QSO Party, SSB+ DigiFest
+ Digital Pentathlon+ DL-DX RTTY Contest+ DMC RTTY Contest+ DRCG Long Distance Contest, RTTY
+ DRCG WW RTTY Contest+ Dutch Kingdom Contest+ Dutch PACC Contest+ Dutch PACCdigi Contest
+ DX Colombia International Contest
+ EA PSK63 Contest+ EA RTTY Contest+ EA-QRP CW Contest+ EACW International Contest
+ EACW Meeting+ EANET Sprint+ Elecraft QSO Party+ EPC PSK63 QSO Party
+ EPC Russia DX Contest+ EPC Ukraine DX Contest+ EPC WW DX Contest+ ES Open HF Championship
+ EU Autumn Sprint, CW+ EU Autumn Sprint, SSB+ EU PSK DX Contest+ EU Sprint, SSB
+ EU-PSK-QRP Contest+ EUCW 160m Contest+ EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party+ EUCW/FISTS QRS Party
+ EurAsia HF Championship+ European HF Championship+ European Union DX Contest
+ eXtreme CW World-Wide Challenge
+ F9AA Cup, CW+ F9AA Cup, PSK+ F9AA Cup, SSB+ Fall Classic Country Uncle DX Event
+ Feld Hell FM-245BD Sprint+ Feld Hell QSO Party+ Feld Hell Sprint+ FIRAC HF Contest
+ Fireflies QRP 72 Sprint+ FISTS Coast to Coast Contest+ FISTS Fall Slow Speed Sprint+ FISTS Fall Unlimited Sprint
+ FISTS Get Your Feet Wet Weekend+ FISTS Royal Platinum Jubilee Weekend Celebration+ FISTS Saturday Sprint+ FISTS Spring Slow Speed Sprint
+ FISTS Spring Unlimited Sprint+ FISTS Summer Slow Speed Sprint+ FISTS Summer Unlimited Sprint+ FISTS Sunday Sprint
+ FISTS Winter Slow Speed Sprint+ FISTS Winter Unlimited Sprint+ Florida QSO Party+ Florida State Parks on the Air
+ FOC Old School Classic 1960s QSO Party+ FOC QSO Party+ FRAPR 10M Contest+ FT Challenge
+ FT Roundup+ FTn DX Contest+ FULL-LRB HF Contest+ FYBO Winter QRP Sprint
+ G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest+ GACW WWSA CW DX Contest+ Gedebage CW Contest+ George Batterson 1935 QSO Party
+ Georgia QSO Party+ Georgia State Parks on the Air+ German Telegraphy Contest+ Great Lakes QSO Party
+ Great Lakes Sweepstakes+ GTC CW Cup+ Gunung Jati DX Contest
+ HA3NS Sprint Memorial Contest+ Ham Spirit Contest+ Ham Spirit Contest, SSB+ HamCation QSO Party
+ Hamvention QSO Party+ HARC Anniversary QSO Party+ Hawaii QSO Party+ Helvetia Contest
+ Hemus VHF Contest - 144 MHz+ High Speed Club CW Contest+ Himalayan Contest+ Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration
+ His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW+ His Maj. King of Spain Contest, SSB+ Holiday Milliwatt CW Contest+ Homebrew and Oldtime Equipment Party
+ HPC World Wide DX Contest+ Hungarian DX Contest+ Hungarian Straight Key Contest+ Hunting Lions in the Air Contest
+ IARU HF World Championship+ IARU Region 1 145 MHz Contest+ IARU Region 1 50 MHz Contest+ IARU Region 1 50/70 MHz Contest
+ IARU Region 1 70 MHz Contest+ IARU Region 1 Field Day, CW+ IARU Region 1 Field Day, SSB+ IARU Region 1 UHF/Microwaves Contest
+ IARU Region 2 Area G HF SSB Contest+ ICWC Medium Speed Test+ Idaho QSO Party+ IG-RY World Wide RTTY Contest
+ Illinois QSO Party+ INDEXA Worldwide QSO Party+ Indiana QSO Party+ INORC Contest
+ Intercontinental Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend Contest+ International DominoEx Prefix Contest+ International HELL-Contest+ International Naval Contest
+ International Vintage Contest HF+ Internet CW Sprint Contest+ Iowa QSO Party+ IPARC Contest, CW
+ IPARC Contest, SSB+ IQRP Quarterly Marathon+ Iranian Ham Radio Contest+ IRTS 2m Counties Contest
+ IRTS 70cm Counties Contest+ IRTS 80m Counties Contest
+ Jakarta DX Contest 40m+ Jakarta RTTY Contest+ JARTS WW RTTY Contest+ JIDX CW Contest
+ JIDX Phone Contest+ JT Hamradio-50 Anniversary DX Contest
+ K1USN Slow Speed Test+ K1USN SST Open+ Kalbar Contest+ KANHAM Contest
+ Kansas QSO Party+ KCJ Topband Contest+ Kentucky QSO Party+ Kentucky State Parks on the Air
+ Keyman's Club of Japan Contest+ Kids Roundup+ Kulikovo Polye Contest
+ LABRE DX Contest+ LABRE-RS Digi Contest+ Lighthouse Christmas Lights QSO Party+ Locust QSO Party
+ Logbook of the World Contest, CW+ Logbook of the World Contest, Phone+ Logbook of the World Contest, RTTY/Digital+ Louisiana QSO Party
+ Loule Carnival HF Contest+ Low Power Spring Sprint+ Low Power Sprint+ LZ DX Contest
+ LZ International 6-Meter Contest+ LZ Open 40m Sprint Contest+ LZ Open Contest
+ Maidenhead Mayhem Contest+ Maidenhead Mayhem Sprint+ Maine QSO Party+ Major Six Club Contest
+ Makrothen RTTY Contest+ Malaysia DX Contest+ MARAC SSB QSO Party+ MARAC US Counties QSO Party
+ Marconi Club ARI Loano QSO Party Day+ Marconi Club ARI Loano Slow CW QSO Party+ Marconi Memorial HF Contest+ Maritimes QSO Party
+ Maryland-DC QSO Party+ Masonic Lodges on the Air+ Maundy Thursday Contest+ MCG Autumn Sprint
+ MDXA PSK DeathMatch+ Mediterranean Islands Award Contest+ Mexico RTTY International Contest+ MI QRP January CW Contest
+ MI QRP July 4th CW Sprint+ MI QRP Labor Day CW Sprint+ MI QRP Memorial Day CW Sprint+ Michigan QSO Party
+ Microwave Spring Sprint+ Mid-Atlantic QSO Party+ Mid-Summer Six Club Contest+ Midwinter Contest
+ Midwinter Contest, Phone+ MIE 33 Contest+ Mini-Test 40+ Mini-Test 80
+ Minnesota QSO Party+ Mississippi QSO Party+ Missouri QSO Party+ MMMonVHF/DUBUS 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest
+ Mongolian DX Contest, CW/SSB+ Mongolian RTTY DX Contest+ Montana QSO Party+ Motorola QSO Party
+ NA Collegiate ARC Championship, CW+ NA Collegiate ARC Championship, SSB+ NA Collegiate Championship, RTTY+ NA Collegiate Championship, SSB
+ NA High Speed Meteor Scatter Spring Rally+ NA High Speed Meteor Scatter Winter Rally+ NAQCC 160m Straight Key/Bug Sprint+ NAQCC CW Sprint
+ NAQCC-EU Monthly Sprint+ Nauryz DX Contest+ NCCC FT4 Sprint+ NCCC RTTY Sprint
+ NCCC RTTY Sprint Ladder+ NCCC Sprint+ NCCC Sprint Ladder+ Nebraska QSO Party
+ Nevada QSO Party+ New England QSO Party+ New Hampshire QSO Party+ New Jersey QSO Party
+ New Mexico QSO Party+ New York QSO Party+ NJQRP Skeeter Hunt+ North American Meteor Scatter Sprint
+ North American QSO Party, CW+ North American QSO Party, RTTY+ North American QSO Party, SSB+ North American Sprint, CW
+ North American Sprint, RTTY+ North American SSB Sprint Contest+ North Carolina QSO Party+ North Dakota QSO Party
+ Novice Rig Roundup+ NRAU 10m Activity Contest+ NRAU-Baltic Contest, CW+ NRAU-Baltic Contest, SSB
+ NRRL MGM Weekend Contest+ NSARA Contest+ NSARA Contest, CW+ NTC QSO Party
+ NZART Memorial Contest+ NZART Sangster Shield Contest
+ Oceania DX Contest, CW+ Oceania DX Contest, Phone+ Ohio QSO Party+ Ohio State Parks on the Air
+ OK DX RTTY Contest+ OK/OM DX Contest, CW+ OK/OM DX Contest, SSB+ OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
+ Oklahoma QSO Party+ Old New Year Contest+ OMISS QSO Party+ ON 10-Meter Contest
+ Ontario QSO Party+ Open Ukraine RTTY Championship+ Oregon QSO Party+ Original QRP Contest
+ Padang DX Contest+ Pajajaran Bogor DX Contest+ Peanut Power QRP Sprint+ Pennsylvania QSO Party
+ Pesky Texan Armadillo Chase+ Phone Weekly Test+ Pirate QSO Party+ PN Quick CW Contest
+ PODXS 070 Club 160m Great Pumpkin Sprint+ PODXS 070 Club 40m Firecracker Sprint+ PODXS 070 Club Jamboree+ PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80m Sprint
+ PODXS 070 Club PSK 31 Flavors Contest+ PODXS 070 Club PSKFest+ PODXS 070 Club QRP DX Scramble+ PODXS 070 Club St Patrick's Day Contest
+ PODXS 070 Club Three Day Weekend Contest+ PODXS 070 Club Triple Play Low Band Sprint+ PODXS 070 Club Valentine Sprint+ PODXS 070 New Member Jamboree
+ Polska WW BPSK63 Contest+ Popov Memorial Contest+ Portable Operations Challenge+ Portugal Day Contest
+ Portuguese Navy Day Contest - CT1DBS Memorial+ Portuguese Navy Day Contest, Digital+ PRG CQ Pride Contest+ PRO CW Contest
+ PRO CW Contest+ PRO Digi Contest+ PSK63 Sprint+ PVRC Reunion
+ QCWA Fall QSO Party+ QCWA QSO Party+ QCX Challenge+ QRP Afield
+ QRP ARCI End of Summer Digital Sprint+ QRP ARCI European Sprint+ QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party+ QRP ARCI Fireside SSB Sprint
+ QRP ARCI HF Grid Square Sprint+ QRP ARCI Holiday Spirits Sprint+ QRP ARCI Hootowl Sprint+ QRP ARCI Milliwatt Field Day
+ QRP ARCI New Years Sprint+ QRP ARCI Newcomer's Run+ QRP ARCI Pet Rock Sprint+ QRP ARCI QRP Shootout
+ QRP ARCI Silent Key Memorial Sprint+ QRP ARCI Spring Digital Sprint+ QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party+ QRP ARCI Spring Thaw SSB Shootout
+ QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint+ QRP ARCI Topband Sprint+ QRP ARCI VHF Contest+ QRP ARCI Welcome to QRP
+ QRP Fox Hunt+ QRP Homebrewer Sprint+ QRP Minimal Art Session+ QRP TAC Sprint
+ QRP to the Field+ Quebec QSO Party
+ RAC Canada Day Contest+ RAC Winter Contest+ Radio Maritime Day+ RAEM Contest
+ RCA Transatlantic QSO Party+ RCB XYL Test+ RCC Cup+ REF 160-Meter Contest
+ REF Contest, CW+ REF Contest, SSB+ REF DDFM 6m Contest+ REP HF-VHF-UHF-SHF Sprint - World Amateur Radio Day
+ Road Kill Roundup QRP Kontest+ RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest+ RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest, CW+ RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest, SSB
+ RSGB 2nd 1.8 MHz Contest, CW+ RSGB 80m Autumn Series, CW+ RSGB 80m Autumn Series, Data+ RSGB 80m Autumn Series, SSB
+ RSGB 80m Club Championship, CW+ RSGB 80m Club Championship, Data+ RSGB 80m Club Championship, SSB+ RSGB AFS Contest, CW
+ RSGB AFS Contest, Data+ RSGB AFS Contest, SSB+ RSGB DX Contest+ RSGB FT4 Contest
+ RSGB FT4 International Activity Day+ RSGB Hope QSO Party+ RSGB International Low Power Contest+ RSGB International Sprint Contest, CW
+ RSGB International Sprint Contest, SSB+ RSGB IOTA Contest+ RSGB National Field Day+ RSGB RoLo CW
+ RSGB RoLo SSB+ RSGB SSB Field Day+ RTTYOPS Weekend Sprint+ RTTYOPS Weeksprint
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest+ Russian 160-Meter DX Contest+ Russian Cup Digital Contest+ Russian Digital+SSTV Contest
+ Russian District Award Contest+ Russian DX Contest+ Russian PSK WW Contest+ Russian Radio Team Championship
+ Russian RTTY WW Contest+ Russian WW Digital Contest+ Russian WW MultiMode Contest+ Russion YL/OM Contest
+ SA Sprint Contest+ SAMOVAR Contest+ SARL 80m QSO Party+ SARL Digital Contest
+ SARL Field Day Contest+ SARL Hamnet 40m Simulated Emerg Contest+ SARL HF CW Contest+ SARL HF Digital Contest
+ SARL HF Phone Contest+ SARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest+ SARL VHF/UHF FM Contest+ SARL Youth QSO Party
+ SARTG New Year RTTY Contest+ SARTG WW RTTY Contest+ Sasquatch Stomp+ SBMS 2.3 GHz and Up Contest and Club Challenge
+ Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW+ Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB+ SCC RTTY Championship+ Scottish DX Contest
+ SCRY/RTTYOps WW RTTY Contest+ SEANET Contest+ SEC QSO Party+ SEDXC 50th Anniversary Contest
+ Silent Key Memorial Contest+ Six Club Contest+ SKCC Mystery Contest+ SKCC QSO Party
+ SKCC Sprint+ SKCC Sprint Europe+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon+ Slobozhansky Sprint Contest
+ SMIRK Contest+ SOC Hank Kohl Memorial CW Bash+ SOC Marathon Sprint+ Solar Eclipse QSO Party
+ South America 10 Meter Contest+ South American Integration Contest CW+ South Carolina QSO Party+ South Dakota QSO Party
+ SP DX Contest+ SP DX RTTY Contest+ Spring QRP Homebrewer Sprint+ SRT HF Contest SSB
+ Stew Perry Topband Challenge+ Swiss HTC QRP Sprint+ SYLRA Contest
+ TA VHF/UHF Contest+ TARA Grid Dip Shindig+ TARA PSK Rumble Contest+ TARA RTTY Melee
+ TARA Skirmish Digital Prefix Contest+ Telephone Pioneers QSO Party+ Ten-Meter RTTY Contest+ Tennessee QSO Party
+ Tennessee State Parks on the Air+ Tesla Cup+ TESLA Memorial HF CW Contest+ Texas QSO Party
+ Texas State Parks on the Air+ The Day of YLs+ Tisza Cup CW Contest+ TOEC WW Grid Contest, CW
+ Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge+ TRC Digi Contest+ TRC DX Contest+ Triathlon DX Contest
+ Two-Meter Classic Sprint
+ U.S. Islands QSO Party+ UA1DZ Memorial Cup+ UA2 QSO Party+ UBA DX Contest, CW
+ UBA DX Contest, SSB+ UBA ON Contest, 2m+ UBA ON Contest, 6m+ UBA ON Contest, CW
+ UBA ON Contest, SSB+ UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest+ UBA Spring Contest, 2m+ UBA Spring Contest, 6m
+ UBA Spring Contest, CW+ UBA Spring Contest, SSB+ UBA Welcome to European Union Contest+ UFT Meeting
+ UFT QRP Contest+ UK DX BPSK63 Contest+ UK DX Contest, CW+ UK DX Contest, RTTY
+ UK/EI DX Contest, CW+ UK/EI DX Contest, SSB+ UKEICC 80m Contest+ UKEICC 80m Summer Series
+ Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY Contest+ Ukrainian DX Contest+ Ukrainian DX DIGI Contest+ UKSMG Summer Contest
+ UN DIGI Contest+ UN DX Contest+ URC DX RTTY Contest+ URE 60th Anniversary Contest
+ US IPARC Annual Contest, CW+ US IPARC Annual Contest, SSB+ US Virgin Islands QSO Party+ UT5EU VHF Memorial Contest
+ Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest+ Vermont QSO Party+ VHF SSB/CW 2m Sprint Classic+ VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
+ Virginia QSO Party+ VK Shires Contest+ VK/Trans-Tasman 160m Contest, CW+ VK/Trans-Tasman 160m Contest, Phone
+ VK/Trans-Tasman 80m Contest, CW+ VK/Trans-Tasman 80m Contest, Phone+ VK/Trans-Tasman Contest, Multi-Mode+ VOLTA WW RTTY Contest
+ VU International DX Contest
+ WAB 1.8 MHz Phone+ WAB 144 MHz Low Power Phone+ WAB 144 MHz QRO Phone+ WAB 3.5 MHz Phone
+ WAB 3.5/7/14 MHz Data Modes+ WAB 50 MHz Phone+ WAB 7 MHz Phone+ WAB HF Phone
+ WAB LF Phone+ WAE DX Contest, CW+ WAE DX Contest, RTTY+ WAE DX Contest, SSB
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint+ Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest+ Washington State Salmon Run+ Weekly RTTY Test
+ West Virginia QSO Party+ Winter Field Day+ Winter VHF Sprint+ Wisconsin Parks on the Air
+ Wisconsin QSO Party+ WLOTA Contest+ Worked All Germany Contest+ Worked All Provinces of China DX Contest
+ World Wide Argentina DX Contest+ World Wide Digi DX Contest+ World Wide Holyland Contest+ World Wide Iron Ham Contest
+ WorldRadio Friends' Day QSO Party+ Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest+ WQF QRP Party+ WW PMC Contest
+ YARC QSO Party+ YB Banggai DX Contest+ YB Bekasi Merdeka Contest+ YB DX Contest
+ YB DX RTTY Contest+ YB ORARI DX Contest+ YB7-DX Contest+ YBDXC 80m Contest
+ YBDXPI FT8 Contest+ YBDXPI SSB Contest+ YCCC Anniversary Contest+ YL-ISSB QSO Party, CW
+ YL-ISSB QSO Party, CW/SSB+ YLRL Anniversary Party, CW+ YLRL DX-YL to NA-YL Contest, CW+ YLRL DX-YL to NA-YL Contest, SSB
+ YLRL DX/NA YL Anniversary Contest+ YLRL Howdy Days+ YLRL YL-OM Contest+ YLRL YL-OM Contest, CW
+ YO DX HF Contest+ YO International PSK31 Contest+ YOTA Contest+ YU DX Contest
+ Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest
+ ZL Sprint+ Zombie Shuffle