Please carefully read these Terms of Use ("Terms") before using the WA7BNM Contest Calendar website ("Site"), wholly owned and operated by Bruce Horn, WA7BNM ("Owner"). Your access to and use of the Site is conditioned upon your acceptance of and adherence to these Terms.

The sole purpose of the Site is to provide those interested in ham radio contesting with comprehensive information about scheduled contests, including a summary of rules and log submittal instructions, as well as links to the complete rules as provided by contest sponsors. Although the Owner makes a reasonable effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information for each contest, the Owner can not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information found on the Site. Please notify the Owner of any errors or omissions so that the Site can be updated as needed.

You may include links directly to web pages within the Site, from another web site, as long as the links are labeled "WA7BNM Contest Calendar". However, you may not copy one or more of the Site's web pages for inclusion in another web site. You may not place a copy of the e-mailed 8-day calendar on another web site, other than the DLARC portion of the Internet Archive.

You may not access the Site in any manner that could disable, overload, damage or impair the Site, or that interferes with any other party's access to the Site. You may not use any software robot, spider or other automated means to access, monitor or copy the content of the Site, except as specifically allowed in these Terms or by written authorization from the Owner.

You may use an ICS feed, when available, to load a calendar of contests into a calendar software application for personal use. You may also use an RSS feed, when available, to display a limited contest calendar on a club or other non-profit website, as long as the display is labeled "WA7BNM Contest Calendar" and includes one or more links to the Site's web pages.

A subset of data associated with contests may be available in XML or JSON format to contest-related software authors at the discretion of the Owner and upon execution of a written agreement by the Owner.

Exceptions to these Terms are only allowed as authorized in writing by the Owner.