To customize the calendars on this web site, select only those contests you wish to be included from the list below. All calendars, except the Perpetual, State QSO Parties and Historical calendars will be affected by this customization. You'll be able to toggle between custom and full versions of any calendar affected by your customization settings. Cookies must be enabled on your browser in order to maintain your custom list. The initial setting will include all active contests in the calendars.

After selecting the contests you want to include, click on the [Save] button at the bottom of the list to record your selections.


10-10 Int. 10-10 Day Sprint10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW10-10 Int. Fall Contest, Digital10-10 Int. Open Season PSK Contest
10-10 Int. Spring Contest, CW10-10 Int. Spring Contest, Digital10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB10-10 Int. Winter Contest, SSB
144 MHz Fall Sprint144 MHz Spring Sprint222 MHz Fall Sprint222 MHz Spring Sprint
4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint432 MHz Fall Sprint432 MHz Spring Sprint50 MHz Fall Sprint
50 MHz Spring Sprint7th Call Area QSO Party902 MHz and Up Fall Sprint
A1Club AWTAfrica All Mode International DX ContestAfrica FT4 DX ContestAGB NEMIGA Contest
AGB New Year Snowball ContestAGB-Party ContestAGCW Happy New Year ContestAGCW QRP Contest
AGCW QRP/QRP PartyAGCW Semi-Automatic Key EveningAGCW Straight Key PartyAGCW VHF/UHF Contest
AGCW YL-CW PartyAlabama QSO PartyALARA ContestAll Asian DX Contest, CW
All Asian DX Contest, PhoneAll Austrian 160-Meter ContestANZAC Day ContestARAM 50 MHz Contest
Argentina National 7 MHz ContestARI 40/80 ContestARI International DX ContestArizona QSO Party
Arkansas QSO PartyARR BPSK63 ContestARRL 10 GHz and Up ContestARRL 10-Meter Contest
ARRL 160-Meter ContestARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance ContestARRL EME ContestARRL Field Day
ARRL Inter. Digital ContestARRL Inter. DX Contest, CWARRL Inter. DX Contest, SSBARRL January VHF Contest
ARRL June VHF ContestARRL Kids DayARRL Rookie Roundup, CWARRL Rookie Roundup, RTTY
ARRL Rookie Roundup, SSBARRL RTTY RoundupARRL School Club RoundupARRL September VHF Contest
ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CWARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSBARS Flight of the BumblebeesARS Spartan Sprint
ARSI VU DX ContestAsia-Pacific Fall Sprint, CWAsia-Pacific Spring Sprint, CWAsia-Pacific Sprint, SSB
Atlantic Canada QSO PartyAustralia Day ContestAWA Amplitude Modulation QSO PartyAWA Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party
AWA John Rollins Memorial DX ContestAWA Linc Cundall Memorial CW Contest
Balkan HF ContestBaltic ContestBARTG HF RTTY ContestBARTG RTTY Sprint
BARTG Sprint 75BARTG Sprint PSK63 ContestBatavia DX ContestBattle of Carabobo International Contest
BCC QSO PartyBogor Old and New ContestBritish Columbia QSO PartyBucharest Digital Contest
California QSO PartyCanadian Prairies QSO PartyClassic Exchange, CWClassic Exchange, Phone
Collegiate QSO PartyColorado QSO PartyCommonwealth (BERU) ContestCookie Crumble QRP Contest
Cosack's Honor VHF/UHF ContestCOVID-19 Radio Communication EventCQ 160-Meter Contest, CWCQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CWCQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTYCQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSBCQ Worldwide VHF Digital Contest
CQ Worldwide VHF SSB/CW ContestCQ WW RTTY WPX ContestCQ WW WPX Contest, CWCQ WW WPX Contest, SSB
CQ-M International DX ContestCQ-WE ContestCQC Great Colorado Gold RushCQC Great Colorado Snowshoe Run
CQC Winter QSO PartyCQMM DX ContestCroatian DX ContestCVA DX Contest, CW
CVA DX Contest, SSBCW QRS Xmas ActivityCWOps CW OpenCWops Test (CWT)
DARC 10-Meter ContestDARC Christmas ContestDARC Easter ContestDARC FT4 Contest
DARC RTTY SprintDay of the YLs ContestDelaware QSO PartyDIG QSO Party, CW
DIG QSO Party, SSBDigiFestDRCG WW RTTY ContestDutch PACC Contest
Dutch PACCdigi Contest
EA PSK63 ContestEA RTTY ContestEA-QRP CW ContestEANET Sprint
ES Open HF ChampionshipEU PSK DX ContestEUCW 160m ContestEurAsia HF Championship
European HF ChampionshipEuropean Union DX Contest
F9AA Cup, CWF9AA Cup, PSKF9AA Cup, SSBFeld Hell Sprint
FIRAC HF ContestFireflies QRP 72 SprintFISTS Royal Platinum Jubilee Weekend CelebrationFISTS Saturday Sprint
FISTS Sunday SprintFlorida QSO PartyFlorida State Parks on the AirFOC Old School Classic 1960s QSO Party
FOC QSO PartyFRAPR 10M ContestFT ChallengeFTn DX Contest
FULL-LRB HF ContestFYBO Winter QRP Sprint
GACW WWSA CW DX ContestGeorge Batterson 1935 QSO PartyGeorgia QSO PartyGeorgia State Parks on the Air
German Telegraphy ContestGunung Jati DX Contest
HA3NS Sprint Memorial ContestHam Spirit ContestHam Spirit Contest, SSBHamCation QSO Party
Hamvention QSO PartyHARC Anniversary QSO PartyHawaii QSO PartyHelvetia Contest
Hemus VHF Contest - 144 MHzHigh Speed Club CW ContestHiram Percy Maxim Birthday CelebrationHis Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW
His Maj. King of Spain Contest, SSBHomebrew and Oldtime Equipment PartyHungarian DX ContestHungarian Straight Key Contest
IARU HF World ChampionshipIARU Region 1 145 MHz ContestIARU Region 1 50 MHz ContestIARU Region 1 70 MHz Contest
IARU Region 1 Field Day, CWIARU Region 1 Field Day, SSBIARU Region 1 UHF/Microwaves ContestIARU Region 2 Area G HF SSB Contest
ICWC Medium Speed TestIdaho QSO PartyIG-RY World Wide RTTY ContestIllinois QSO Party
INDEXA Worldwide QSO PartyIndiana QSO PartyINORC ContestInternational HELL-Contest
International Naval ContestInternational Vintage Contest HFIowa QSO PartyIPARC Contest, CW
IPARC Contest, SSBIRTS 2m Counties ContestIRTS 70cm Counties ContestIRTS 80m Counties Contest
JARTS WW RTTY ContestJIDX CW ContestJIDX Phone Contest
K1USN Slow Speed TestK1USN SST OpenKalbar ContestKANHAM Contest
Kansas QSO PartyKCJ Topband ContestKentucky QSO PartyKentucky State Parks on the Air
Keyman's Club of Japan ContestKulikovo Polye Contest
LABRE DX ContestLABRE-RS Digi ContestLouisiana QSO PartyLZ DX Contest
LZ International 6-Meter Contest
Maidenhead Mayhem ContestMaidenhead Mayhem SprintMaine QSO PartyMakrothen RTTY Contest
Malaysia DX ContestMARAC US Counties QSO PartyMarconi Club ARI Loano QSO Party DayMarconi Club ARI Loano Slow CW QSO Party
Marconi Memorial HF ContestMaryland-DC QSO PartyMasonic Lodges on the AirMaundy Thursday Contest
Mexico RTTY International ContestMI QRP Labor Day CW SprintMichigan QSO PartyMicrowave Spring Sprint
MIE 33 ContestMini-Test 40Mini-Test 80Minnesota QSO Party
Mississippi QSO PartyMissouri QSO PartyMMMonVHF/DUBUS 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest
NA Collegiate Championship, RTTYNA Collegiate Championship, SSBNAQCC CW SprintNCCC FT4 Sprint
NCCC RTTY SprintNCCC RTTY Sprint LadderNCCC SprintNCCC Sprint Ladder
Nebraska QSO PartyNevada QSO PartyNew England QSO PartyNew Hampshire QSO Party
New Jersey QSO PartyNew Mexico QSO PartyNew York QSO PartyNJQRP Skeeter Hunt
North American Meteor Scatter SprintNorth American QSO Party, CWNorth American QSO Party, RTTYNorth American QSO Party, SSB
North American Sprint, CWNorth American Sprint, RTTYNorth American SSB Sprint ContestNorth Carolina QSO Party
North Dakota QSO PartyNovice Rig RoundupNRAU 10m Activity ContestNRAU-Baltic Contest, CW
NRAU-Baltic Contest, SSBNRRL MGM Weekend ContestNSARA ContestNTC QSO Party
NZART Memorial ContestNZART Sangster Shield Contest
Oceania DX Contest, CWOceania DX Contest, PhoneOhio QSO PartyOhio State Parks on the Air
OK DX RTTY ContestOK/OM DX Contest, CWOK/OM DX Contest, SSBOK1WC Memorial (MWC)
Oklahoma QSO PartyOld New Year ContestOMISS QSO PartyOntario QSO Party
Open Ukraine RTTY ChampionshipOriginal QRP Contest
Padang DX ContestPajajaran Bogor DX ContestPeanut Power QRP SprintPennsylvania QSO Party
Phone Weekly TestPODXS 070 Club 160m Great Pumpkin SprintPODXS 070 Club 40m Firecracker SprintPODXS 070 Club Jamboree
PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80m SprintPODXS 070 Club PSKFestPODXS 070 Club St Patrick's Day ContestPODXS 070 Club Three Day Weekend Contest
PODXS 070 Club Triple Play Low Band SprintPODXS 070 Club Valentine SprintPODXS 070 New Member JamboreePortable Operations Challenge
Portugal Day ContestPortuguese Navy Day Contest - CT1DBS MemorialPRG CQ Pride ContestPRO CW Contest
PRO Digi ContestPVRC Reunion
QCX ChallengeQRP AfieldQRP ARCI Fall QSO PartyQRP ARCI Holiday Spirits Sprint
QRP ARCI Hootowl SprintQRP ARCI Spring QSO PartyQRP ARCI Summer Homebrew SprintQRP ARCI Topband Sprint
QRP Fox HuntQRP Minimal Art SessionQRP to the FieldQuebec QSO Party
RAC Canada Day ContestRAC Winter ContestRAEM ContestRCA Transatlantic QSO Party
RCC CupREF 160-Meter ContestREF Contest, CWREF Contest, SSB
REF DDFM 6m ContestREP HF-VHF-UHF-SHF Sprint - World Amateur Radio DayRSGB 1.8 MHz ContestRSGB 80m Autumn Series, CW
RSGB 80m Autumn Series, DataRSGB 80m Autumn Series, SSBRSGB 80m Club Championship, CWRSGB 80m Club Championship, Data
RSGB 80m Club Championship, SSBRSGB AFS Contest, CWRSGB AFS Contest, DataRSGB AFS Contest, SSB
RSGB FT4 ContestRSGB FT4 International Activity DayRSGB Hope QSO PartyRSGB International Low Power Contest
RSGB IOTA ContestRSGB National Field DayRSGB SSB Field DayRTTYOPS Weekend Sprint
RTTYOPS WeeksprintRun for the Bacon QRP ContestRussian 160-Meter DX ContestRussian Cup Digital Contest
Russian District Award ContestRussian DX ContestRussian PSK WW ContestRussian Radio Team Championship
Russian RTTY WW ContestRussian WW Digital ContestRussian WW MultiMode Contest
SAMOVAR ContestSARL 80m QSO PartySARL Field Day ContestSARL Hamnet 40m Simulated Emerg Contest
SARL HF CW ContestSARL HF Digital ContestSARL HF Phone ContestSARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest
Sasquatch StompSBMS 2.3 GHz and Up Contest and Club ChallengeScandinavian Activity Contest, CWScandinavian Activity Contest, SSB
SCRY/RTTYOps WW RTTY ContestSEANET ContestSEC QSO PartySilent Key Memorial Contest
SKCC QSO PartySKCC SprintSKCC Sprint EuropeSKCC Weekend Sprintathon
Slobozhansky Sprint ContestSMIRK ContestSolar Eclipse QSO PartySouth America 10 Meter Contest
South American Integration Contest CWSouth Carolina QSO PartySouth Dakota QSO PartySP DX Contest
SP DX RTTY ContestStew Perry Topband Challenge
TA VHF/UHF ContestTelephone Pioneers QSO PartyTennessee QSO PartyTennessee State Parks on the Air
TESLA Memorial HF CW ContestTexas QSO PartyTexas State Parks on the AirTisza Cup CW Contest
Trans-Tasman Low-Bands ChallengeTRC Digi ContestTRC DX Contest
U.S. Islands QSO PartyUA1DZ Memorial CupUBA DX Contest, CWUBA DX Contest, SSB
UBA ON Contest, 2mUBA ON Contest, 6mUBA ON Contest, CWUBA ON Contest, SSB
UBA PSK63 Prefix ContestUBA Spring Contest, 2mUBA Spring Contest, 6mUBA Spring Contest, CW
UBA Spring Contest, SSBUFT MeetingUFT QRP ContestUK/EI DX Contest, CW
UK/EI DX Contest, SSBUKEICC 80m ContestUKEICC 80m Summer SeriesUkrainian DX Classic RTTY Contest
Ukrainian DX ContestUkrainian DX DIGI ContestUKSMG Summer ContestUN DIGI Contest
UN DX ContestURC DX RTTY Contest
Venezuelan Ind. Day ContestVermont QSO PartyVHF SSB/CW 2m Sprint ClassicVHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
Virginia QSO PartyVK Shires ContestVK/Trans-Tasman 80m Contest, PhoneVOLTA WW RTTY Contest
WAB 1.8 MHz PhoneWAB 144 MHz Low Power PhoneWAB 144 MHz QRO PhoneWAB 3.5 MHz Phone
WAB 50 MHz PhoneWAB 7 MHz PhoneWAE DX Contest, CWWAE DX Contest, RTTY
WAE DX Contest, SSBWake-Up! QRP SprintWalk for the Bacon QRP ContestWashington State Salmon Run
Weekly RTTY TestWest Virginia QSO PartyWinter Field DayWinter VHF Sprint
Wisconsin Parks on the AirWisconsin QSO PartyWorked All Germany ContestWorked All Provinces of China DX Contest
World Wide Argentina DX ContestWorld Wide Digi DX ContestWorld Wide Holyland ContestWorldwide Sideband Activity Contest
WW PMC Contest
YARC QSO PartyYB Banggai DX ContestYB Bekasi Merdeka ContestYB DX Contest
YB DX RTTY ContestYB ORARI DX ContestYB7-DX ContestYBDXPI FT8 Contest
YBDXPI SSB ContestYLRL DX/NA YL Anniversary ContestYLRL YL-OM ContestYO DX HF Contest
YO International PSK31 ContestYOTA ContestYU DX ContestYuri Gagarin International DX Contest
ZL SprintZombie Shuffle