10-10 Int. 10-10 Day Sprint 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, Digital 10-10 Int. Open Season PSK Contest
10-10 Int. Spring Contest, CW 10-10 Int. Spring Contest, Digital 10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB 10-10 Int. Winter Contest, SSB
144 MHz Fall Sprint 144 MHz Spring Sprint 222 MHz Fall Sprint 222 MHz Spring Sprint
4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint 432 MHz Fall Sprint 432 MHz Spring Sprint 50 MHz Fall Sprint
50 MHz Spring Sprint 7th Call Area QSO Party 902 MHz and Up Fall Sprint
A1Club AWT Africa All Mode International DX Contest Africa FT4 DX Contest AGB NEMIGA Contest
AGB New Year Snowball Contest AGB-Party Contest AGCW Happy New Year Contest AGCW QRP Contest
AGCW QRP/QRP Party AGCW Semi-Automatic Key Evening AGCW Straight Key Party AGCW VHF/UHF Contest
AGCW YL-CW Party Alabama QSO Party ALARA Contest All Asian DX Contest, CW
All Asian DX Contest, Phone All Austrian 160-Meter Contest ANZAC Day Contest ARAM 50 MHz Contest
Argentina National 7 MHz Contest ARI 40/80 Contest ARI International DX Contest Arizona QSO Party
Arkansas QSO Party ARR BPSK63 Contest ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest ARRL 10-Meter Contest
ARRL 160-Meter Contest ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest ARRL EME Contest ARRL Field Day
ARRL Inter. Digital Contest ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW ARRL Inter. DX Contest, SSB ARRL January VHF Contest
ARRL June VHF Contest ARRL Kids Day ARRL Rookie Roundup, CW ARRL Rookie Roundup, RTTY
ARRL Rookie Roundup, SSB ARRL RTTY Roundup ARRL School Club Roundup ARRL September VHF Contest
ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB ARS Flight of the Bumblebees ARS Spartan Sprint
ARSI VU DX Contest Asia-Pacific Fall Sprint, CW Asia-Pacific Spring Sprint, CW Asia-Pacific Sprint, SSB
Atlantic Canada QSO Party Australia Day Contest AWA Amplitude Modulation QSO Party AWA Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party
AWA John Rollins Memorial DX Contest AWA Linc Cundall Memorial CW Contest
Balkan HF Contest Baltic Contest BARTG HF RTTY Contest BARTG RTTY Sprint
BARTG Sprint 75 BARTG Sprint PSK63 Contest Batavia DX Contest Battle of Carabobo International Contest
BCC QSO Party Bogor Old and New Contest British Columbia QSO Party Bucharest Digital Contest
California QSO Party Canadian Prairies QSO Party Classic Exchange, CW Classic Exchange, Phone
Collegiate QSO Party Colorado QSO Party Commonwealth (BERU) Contest Cookie Crumble QRP Contest
Cosack's Honor VHF/UHF Contest COVID-19 Radio Communication Event CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB CQ Worldwide VHF Digital Contest
CQ Worldwide VHF SSB/CW Contest CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest CQ WW WPX Contest, CW CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB
CQ-M International DX Contest CQ-WE Contest CQC Great Colorado Gold Rush CQC Great Colorado Snowshoe Run
CQC Winter QSO Party CQMM DX Contest Croatian DX Contest CVA DX Contest, CW
CVA DX Contest, SSB CW QRS Xmas Activity CWOps CW Open CWops Test (CWT)
DARC 10-Meter Contest DARC Christmas Contest DARC Easter Contest DARC FT4 Contest
DARC RTTY Sprint Day of the YLs Contest Delaware QSO Party DIG QSO Party, CW
DIG QSO Party, SSB DigiFest DRCG WW RTTY Contest Dutch PACC Contest
Dutch PACCdigi Contest
EA PSK63 Contest EA RTTY Contest EA-QRP CW Contest EANET Sprint
ES Open HF Championship EU PSK DX Contest EUCW 160m Contest EurAsia HF Championship
European HF Championship European Union DX Contest
F9AA Cup, CW F9AA Cup, PSK F9AA Cup, SSB Feld Hell Sprint
FIRAC HF Contest Fireflies QRP 72 Sprint FISTS Royal Platinum Jubilee Weekend Celebration FISTS Saturday Sprint
FISTS Sunday Sprint Florida QSO Party Florida State Parks on the Air FOC Old School Classic 1960s QSO Party
FOC QSO Party FRAPR 10M Contest FT Challenge FTn DX Contest
FULL-LRB HF Contest FYBO Winter QRP Sprint
GACW WWSA CW DX Contest George Batterson 1935 QSO Party Georgia QSO Party Georgia State Parks on the Air
German Telegraphy Contest Gunung Jati DX Contest
HA3NS Sprint Memorial Contest Ham Spirit Contest Ham Spirit Contest, SSB HamCation QSO Party
Hamvention QSO Party HARC Anniversary QSO Party Hawaii QSO Party Helvetia Contest
Hemus VHF Contest - 144 MHz High Speed Club CW Contest Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW
His Maj. King of Spain Contest, SSB Homebrew and Oldtime Equipment Party Hungarian DX Contest Hungarian Straight Key Contest
IARU HF World Championship IARU Region 1 145 MHz Contest IARU Region 1 50 MHz Contest IARU Region 1 70 MHz Contest
IARU Region 1 Field Day, CW IARU Region 1 Field Day, SSB IARU Region 1 UHF/Microwaves Contest IARU Region 2 Area G HF SSB Contest
ICWC Medium Speed Test Idaho QSO Party IG-RY World Wide RTTY Contest Illinois QSO Party
INDEXA Worldwide QSO Party Indiana QSO Party INORC Contest International HELL-Contest
International Naval Contest International Vintage Contest HF Iowa QSO Party IPARC Contest, CW
IPARC Contest, SSB IRTS 2m Counties Contest IRTS 70cm Counties Contest IRTS 80m Counties Contest
JARTS WW RTTY Contest JIDX CW Contest JIDX Phone Contest
K1USN Slow Speed Test K1USN SST Open Kalbar Contest KANHAM Contest
Kansas QSO Party KCJ Topband Contest Kentucky QSO Party Kentucky State Parks on the Air
Keyman's Club of Japan Contest Kulikovo Polye Contest
LABRE DX Contest LABRE-RS Digi Contest Louisiana QSO Party LZ DX Contest
LZ International 6-Meter Contest
Maidenhead Mayhem Contest Maidenhead Mayhem Sprint Maine QSO Party Makrothen RTTY Contest
Malaysia DX Contest MARAC US Counties QSO Party Marconi Club ARI Loano QSO Party Day Marconi Club ARI Loano Slow CW QSO Party
Marconi Memorial HF Contest Maryland-DC QSO Party Masonic Lodges on the Air Maundy Thursday Contest
Mexico RTTY International Contest MI QRP Labor Day CW Sprint Michigan QSO Party Microwave Spring Sprint
MIE 33 Contest Mini-Test 40 Mini-Test 80 Minnesota QSO Party
Mississippi QSO Party Missouri QSO Party MMMonVHF/DUBUS 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest
NA Collegiate Championship, RTTY NA Collegiate Championship, SSB NAQCC CW Sprint NCCC FT4 Sprint
NCCC Sprint NCCC Sprint Ladder Nebraska QSO Party Nevada QSO Party
New England QSO Party New Hampshire QSO Party New Jersey QSO Party New Mexico QSO Party
New York QSO Party NJQRP Skeeter Hunt North American Meteor Scatter Sprint North American QSO Party, CW
North American QSO Party, RTTY North American QSO Party, SSB North American Sprint, CW North American Sprint, RTTY
North American SSB Sprint Contest North Carolina QSO Party North Dakota QSO Party Novice Rig Roundup
NRAU 10m Activity Contest NRAU-Baltic Contest, CW NRAU-Baltic Contest, SSB NRRL MGM Weekend Contest
NSARA Contest NTC QSO Party NZART Memorial Contest NZART Sangster Shield Contest
Oceania DX Contest, CW Oceania DX Contest, Phone Ohio QSO Party Ohio State Parks on the Air
OK DX RTTY Contest OK/OM DX Contest, CW OK/OM DX Contest, SSB OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
Oklahoma QSO Party Old New Year Contest OMISS QSO Party Ontario QSO Party
Open Ukraine RTTY Championship Original QRP Contest
Padang DX Contest Pajajaran Bogor DX Contest Peanut Power QRP Sprint Pennsylvania QSO Party
Phone Weekly Test PODXS 070 Club 160m Great Pumpkin Sprint PODXS 070 Club 40m Firecracker Sprint PODXS 070 Club Jamboree
PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80m Sprint PODXS 070 Club PSKFest PODXS 070 Club St Patrick's Day Contest PODXS 070 Club Three Day Weekend Contest
PODXS 070 Club Triple Play Low Band Sprint PODXS 070 Club Valentine Sprint PODXS 070 New Member Jamboree Popov Memorial Contest
Portable Operations Challenge Portugal Day Contest Portuguese Navy Day Contest - CT1DBS Memorial PRG CQ Pride Contest
PRO CW Contest PRO Digi Contest PVRC Reunion
QCX Challenge QRP Afield QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party QRP ARCI Holiday Spirits Sprint
QRP ARCI Hootowl Sprint QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint QRP ARCI Topband Sprint
QRP Fox Hunt QRP Minimal Art Session QRP to the Field Quebec QSO Party
RAC Canada Day Contest RAC Winter Contest RAEM Contest RCA Transatlantic QSO Party
RCC Cup REF 160-Meter Contest REF Contest, CW REF Contest, SSB
REF DDFM 6m Contest REP HF-VHF-UHF-SHF Sprint - World Amateur Radio Day RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest RSGB 80m Autumn Series, CW
RSGB 80m Autumn Series, Data RSGB 80m Autumn Series, SSB RSGB 80m Club Championship, CW RSGB 80m Club Championship, Data
RSGB 80m Club Championship, SSB RSGB AFS Contest, CW RSGB AFS Contest, Data RSGB AFS Contest, SSB
RSGB FT4 Contest RSGB FT4 International Activity Day RSGB Hope QSO Party RSGB International Low Power Contest
RSGB IOTA Contest RSGB National Field Day RSGB SSB Field Day RTTYOPS Weekend Sprint
RTTYOPS Weeksprint Run for the Bacon QRP Contest Russian 160-Meter DX Contest Russian Cup Digital Contest
Russian District Award Contest Russian DX Contest Russian PSK WW Contest Russian Radio Team Championship
Russian RTTY WW Contest Russian WW Digital Contest Russian WW MultiMode Contest Russion YL/OM Contest
SAMOVAR Contest SARL 80m QSO Party SARL Field Day Contest SARL Hamnet 40m Simulated Emerg Contest
SARL HF CW Contest SARL HF Digital Contest SARL HF Phone Contest SARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest
SARL VHF/UHF FM Contest SARL Youth QSO Party SARTG New Year RTTY Contest SARTG WW RTTY Contest
Sasquatch Stomp SBMS 2.3 GHz and Up Contest and Club Challenge Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB
SCRY/RTTYOps WW RTTY Contest SEANET Contest SEC QSO Party Silent Key Memorial Contest
SKCC QSO Party SKCC Sprint SKCC Sprint Europe SKCC Weekend Sprintathon
Slobozhansky Sprint Contest SMIRK Contest Solar Eclipse QSO Party South America 10 Meter Contest
South American Integration Contest CW South Carolina QSO Party South Dakota QSO Party SP DX Contest
SP DX RTTY Contest Stew Perry Topband Challenge
TA VHF/UHF Contest Telephone Pioneers QSO Party Tennessee QSO Party Tennessee State Parks on the Air
TESLA Memorial HF CW Contest Texas QSO Party Texas State Parks on the Air Tisza Cup CW Contest
Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge TRC Digi Contest TRC DX Contest
U.S. Islands QSO Party UA1DZ Memorial Cup UBA DX Contest, CW UBA DX Contest, SSB
UBA ON Contest, 2m UBA ON Contest, 6m UBA ON Contest, CW UBA ON Contest, SSB
UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest UBA Spring Contest, 2m UBA Spring Contest, 6m UBA Spring Contest, CW
UBA Spring Contest, SSB UFT Meeting UFT QRP Contest UK/EI DX Contest, CW
UK/EI DX Contest, SSB UKEICC 80m Contest UKEICC 80m Summer Series Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY Contest
Ukrainian DX Contest Ukrainian DX DIGI Contest UKSMG Summer Contest UN DIGI Contest
UN DX Contest URC DX RTTY Contest
Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest Vermont QSO Party VHF SSB/CW 2m Sprint Classic VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
Virginia QSO Party VK Shires Contest VK/Trans-Tasman 80m Contest, Phone VOLTA WW RTTY Contest
WAB 1.8 MHz Phone WAB 144 MHz Low Power Phone WAB 144 MHz QRO Phone WAB 3.5 MHz Phone
WAB 50 MHz Phone WAB 7 MHz Phone WAE DX Contest, CW WAE DX Contest, RTTY
WAE DX Contest, SSB Wake-Up! QRP Sprint Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest Washington State Salmon Run
Weekly RTTY Test West Virginia QSO Party Winter Field Day Winter VHF Sprint
Wisconsin Parks on the Air Wisconsin QSO Party Worked All Germany Contest Worked All Provinces of China DX Contest
World Wide Argentina DX Contest World Wide Digi DX Contest World Wide Holyland Contest Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest
WW PMC Contest
YARC QSO Party YB Banggai DX Contest YB Bekasi Merdeka Contest YB DX Contest
YB DX RTTY Contest YB ORARI DX Contest YB7-DX Contest YBDXPI FT8 Contest
YBDXPI SSB Contest YLRL DX/NA YL Anniversary Contest YLRL YL-OM Contest YO DX HF Contest
YO International PSK31 Contest YOTA Contest YU DX Contest Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest
ZL Sprint Zombie Shuffle