Mid-Atlantic QSO Party
 Mode:CW/Digital, SSB/FM
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, 2, 222, 440
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Standard)
 Max power:non-QRP: 200 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:DE,MD-DC,NJ,NY,PA,VA,WV: Serial No. + 3-character county + 2-character state
non-MA: Serial No. + (state/province/"DX")
 Work stations:Once per band per mode
 QSO Points:1 point per phone QSO
2 points per CW/digital QSO
3 points per QSO with mobile (regardless of mode)
 Multipliers:MA Stations: Each state, province/territory, MA county once only
MA Stations: one mult for QSO with at least one DX country
non-MA Stations: Each MA state, county once only
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 E-mail logs to:logs[at]walterobrien[dot]com
 Mail logs to:Mid-Atlantic QSO Party (MAQP)
P.O. Box 4922
Clinton, NJ 08809
 Find rules at:http://www.qsl.net/maqso

 Future Dates
 (contest is inactive)
 Historical Dates
 1600Z, May 12 to 0400Z, May 13, 2007
 1200Z, May 13 to 2400Z, May 14, 2006
 SSB/FM,CW: 160,80,40,20,15,10,6,2,222,440m: 1600Z, May 14 to 0400Z, May 15 and 1100Z-2400Z, May 15, 2005