Kids Roundup
 Bands:80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, 2, 220, 432
 Classes:M: Multi-Op
L: Single-Op (licensed kid) operating within limits of own call
C: Single-Op (licensed kid) operating within limits of control op's call
U: Single-Op (unlicensed kid) operating within limits of control op's call
Y: Single-Op YL (18 years or older)
O: Single-Op OM (18 years of older)
 Exchange:(state/province/country) + class abbreviation + name
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:10 points per QSO with an M, L, C or U station
2 points per QSO with a Y station
1 point per QSO with a O station
0 points per QSO between non-kid stations
25 points per QSO with KI3DS
 Multipliers:Each US state
Each VE province
Each country
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 E-mail logs to:kidsroundup[at]w3vpr[dot]org
 Mail logs to:Kids Roundup
7901 Pepperbox Lane
Pasadena, MD 21122-6328
 Find rules at:

 Future Dates
 (contest is inactive)
 Historical Dates
 1400Z, May 30 to 2200Z, May 31, 2009
 1400Z, May 31 to 2200Z, Jun 1, 2008
 1400Z, Apr 21 to 2200Z, Apr 22, 2007
 1400Z, Apr 1 to 2200Z, Apr 2, 2006
 Phone: 80,40,20,15,10,6,2,220,432m: 1400Z, Apr 2 to 2200Z, Apr 3, 2005