Fall Classic Country Uncle DX Event
 Mode:CW, SSB, Digital
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20m
 Classes:Single Op (CW/SSB/Digital/Mixed)
 Work stations:Once per band per mode
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO between US and DX
Bonus: 10,000 points for registering prior to Oct 10, 2008 (see rules)
 Multipliers:Each DXCC country once per band
Each DXCC country once per mode
 Score Calculation:Total score = (total QSO points x total mults) + Bonus Points
 E-mail logs to:sid[at]countryuncledx[dot]com
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:http://www.countryuncledx.com/contests.html

 Future Dates
 (contest is inactive)
 Historical Dates
 0000Z, Oct 1 to 2400Z, Dec 31, 2008