QRP ARCI Welcome to QRP
 Bands:80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (All Band/Low Band/High Band)
Elmer Assisted (All Band/Low Band/High Band)
 Exchange:RST + (state/province/country) + (ARCI number/power)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:5 points per QSO with ARCI member
4 points per non-member QSO with different continent
2 points per non-member QSO with same continent
Bonus points: 5000 for battery power portable with temporary antenna
 Multipliers:States, once per band
VE Provinces, once per band
Countries, once per band
Power Mult: >5W=x1, 1-5W=x7, 500mW-1W=x10, 200-500mW=15x, 55-200mW=20x, <55mW=25x
 Score Calculation:Total score = (total QSO points x (state mults + province mults + country mults) x power mult) + bonus points
 E-mail logs to:contest[at]qrparci[dot]org
 Mail logs to:QRP ARCI Welcome to QRP Contest
c/o Jeff Hetherington, VA3JFF
139 Elizabeth St. W.
Ontario L3C 4M3
 Find rules at:http://www.qrparci.org/

 Future Dates
 (contest is inactive)
 Historical Dates
 1500Z-1800Z, Aug 23, 2014
 1500Z-1800Z, Aug 24, 2013
 1500Z-1800Z, Aug 25, 2012
 1500Z-1800Z, Aug 27, 2011