March 19 - 26, 2025March 27 - April 3, 2025April 4 - 11, 2025

CWops Test (CWT)
CWops Test (CWT)
RSGB 80m Club Championship, SSB
QRP Fox Hunt
NCCC FT4 Sprint
Weekly RTTY Test
NCCC Sprint
Sasquatch Stomp
K1USN Slow Speed Test
Feld Hell Sprint
CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB
Classic Exchange, CW
K1USN Slow Speed Test
QCX Challenge
ICWC Medium Speed Test
OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
QCX Challenge
ICWC Medium Speed Test
Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest
QCX Challenge
ICWC Medium Speed Test
ZL Sprint
QRP Fox Hunt
Phone Weekly Test
A1Club AWT
CWops Test (CWT)
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
Mini-Test 40
Mini-Test 80
CWops Test (CWT)
UKEICC 80m Contest
Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest
CWops Test (CWT)
CWops Test (CWT)
SARL 80m QSO Party
NRAU 10m Activity Contest
SKCC Sprint Europe

CWops Test (CWT): 0300Z-0400Z, Mar 27
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Member: Name + Member No./"CWA"
non-Member: Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0800Z March 29, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
CWops Test (CWT): 0700Z-0800Z, Mar 27
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Member: Name + Member No./"CWA"
non-Member: Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0800Z March 29, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
RSGB 80m Club Championship, SSB: 2000Z-2130Z, Mar 27
 Geographic Focus:United Kingdom
 Awards:United Kingdom
 Bands:80m Only
 Exchange:RS + Serial No.
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Score Calculation:(see rules)
 Submit logs by:2359Z March 28, 2025
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
QRP Fox Hunt: 0100Z-0230Z, Mar 28
 Geographic Focus:United States
 Bands:80m Only
 Classes:Single Op (Fox/Hound)
 Max power:5 watts
 Exchange:RST + (state/province/country) + name + power output
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:0230Z March 29, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(see rules)
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
NCCC FT4 Sprint: 0100Z-0130Z, Mar 28
 Geographic Focus:North America
 Bands:(see rules)
 Max power:100 watts
 Exchange:4-character grid square
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each 4-character grid square once per band
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:March 30, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Upload log at:
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
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Weekly RTTY Test: 0145Z-0215Z, Mar 28
 Geographic Focus:North America
 Bands:80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single-Op (QRP/Low)
 Max power:LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each callsign once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:March 30, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
NCCC Sprint: 0230Z-0300Z, Mar 28
 Geographic Focus:North America
 Bands:(see rules)
 Max power:100 watts
 Exchange:Serial No. + Name + QTH
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:March 30, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
Sasquatch Stomp: 1900Z, Mar 28 to 0300Z, Mar 29
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Max power:5 watts
 Exchange:RST + (state/province/country) + (Sasquatch number/zip code) + name
 Work stations:Once per band very hour
 QSO Points:(see rules)
 Multipliers:(see rules)
 Score Calculation:(see rules)
 Submit logs by:April 11, 2025
 E-mail logs to:nb6m[at]att[dot]net
 Mail logs to:Wayne McFee
18345 Osprey Court
Mount Vernon, WA 98274
 Find rules at:
K1USN Slow Speed Test: 2000Z-2100Z, Mar 28
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Maximum 20 wpm
Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO (starting with Jan 4 contest)
 Multipliers:Each state/province/country once per band
W/VE do not count as country mults (starting with Jan 4 contest)
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:2359Z March 30, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
Feld Hell Sprint: 0000Z-2359Z, Mar 29
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Mode:Feld Hell
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m
 Max power:Standard: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:(see rules)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:(see rules)
Bonus Points: (see rules)
 Multipliers:(see rules)
 Score Calculation:(see rules)
 Submit logs by:April 2, 2025
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB: 0000Z, Mar 29 to 2359Z, Mar 30
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op All Band (QRP/Low/High)
Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low/High)
Single Op Overlays: (TB-Wires/Rookie/Classic/Youth)
Multi-Single (Low/High)
 Max operating hours:Single Op: 36 hours with offtimes of at least 60 minutes
Multi-Op: 48 hours
 Max power:HP: 1500 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RS + Serial No.
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:All: 6 points per 160/80/40m QSO with different continent
All: 3 points per 20/15/10m QSO with different continent
Non-NA: 2 points per 160/80/40m QSO with same continent different country
Non-NA: 1 point per 20/15/10m QSO with same continent different country
NA: 4 points per 160/80/40m QSO with same continent different country
NA: 2 points per 20/15/10m QSO with same continent different country
All: 1 point per QSO with same country
 Multipliers:Prefixes once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:2359Z April 4, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
Classic Exchange, CW: 1300Z, Mar 30 to 0700Z, Mar 31 and 1300Z, Apr 1 to 0700Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, 2m
 Classes:(see rules)
 Exchange:Name + RST + (state/province/country) + rcvr/xmtr manuf/model
 Work stations:Once per band per mode per rcr/xmtr manuf/model
 QSO Points:(see rules)
 Multipliers:(see rules)
 Score Calculation:Total score = sum(total mode QSO points x total mode mults) + Bonus Points
 Submit logs by:April 30, 2025
 E-mail logs to:myscupper[at]gmail[dot]com
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
K1USN Slow Speed Test: 0000Z-0100Z, Mar 31
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Maximum 20 wpm
Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO (starting with Jan 4 contest)
 Multipliers:Each state/province/country once per band
W/VE do not count as country mults (starting with Jan 4 contest)
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:2359Z April 2, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
QCX Challenge: 1300Z-1400Z, Mar 31
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op
 Max power:HP: >5 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RST + Name + (state/province/country) + Rig
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:3 points per QSO with QCX station
1 point per QSO with non-QCX station
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:0400Z April 6, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
ICWC Medium Speed Test: 1300Z-1400Z, Mar 31
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Name + QSO No.
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0400Z April 3, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
OK1WC Memorial (MWC): 1630Z-1729Z, Mar 31
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:80, 40m
 Classes:Single Op All Band (QRP/Low)
Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low)
 Max power:LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RST + Serial No.
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each last character of worked station call suffix once per band
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0600Z April 4, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
QCX Challenge: 1900Z-2000Z, Mar 31
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op
 Max power:HP: >5 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RST + Name + (state/province/country) + Rig
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:3 points per QSO with QCX station
1 point per QSO with non-QCX station
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:0400Z April 6, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
ICWC Medium Speed Test: 1900Z-2000Z, Mar 31
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Name + QSO No.
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0400Z April 3, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest: 0100Z-0159Z, Apr 1
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
Overlay: Youth (26 years old or younger)
Youth YL (female 26 years old or younger)
YL (female older than 26 years
 Max power:HP: 1500 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RS + age group (OM, YL, Youth YL or Youth)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO with OM
5 points per QSO with YL
10 points per QSO with Youth
15 points per QSO with Youth YL
 Multipliers:Each DXCC once per band
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0159Z April 2, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
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QCX Challenge: 0300Z-0400Z, Apr 1
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op
 Max power:HP: >5 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RST + Name + (state/province/country) + Rig
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:3 points per QSO with QCX station
1 point per QSO with non-QCX station
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:0400Z April 6, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
ICWC Medium Speed Test: 0300Z-0400Z, Apr 1
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Name + QSO No.
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0400Z April 3, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
ZL Sprint: 0800Z-0829Z (CW), Apr 1 and 0830Z-0859Z (SSB), Apr 1 and 0900Z-0929Z (SSB), Apr 1
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Mode:CW, SSB, FT4
 Bands:80m Only
 Classes:Single Op (CW/SSB/Digital/Mixed)(QRP/High)
 Max power:Open: 100 watts
QRP: CW/FT4: 5 Watts, SSB: 10 Watts
 Exchange:CW/SSB: RS(T) + Outside Temperature (C)
FT4: 4-character grid square
 Work stations:Once per mode section
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:0929Z April 2, 2025
 E-mail logs to:markzl3ab[at]gmail[dot]com
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
QRP Fox Hunt: 0100Z-0230Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:United States
 Bands:40m Only
 Classes:Single Op (Fox/Hound)
 Max power:5 watts
 Exchange:RST + (state/province/country) + name + power output
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:0230Z April 3, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(see rules)
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
Phone Weekly Test: 0230Z-0300Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:North America
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15m
 Classes:Single Op
 Max power:100 watts
 Exchange:NA: Name + (state/province/country)
non-NA: Name
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:NA station: 1 point per QSO
non-NA station: 1 point per QSO with an NA station
 Multipliers:Each US state (including KH6/KL7) once per band
Each VE province/territory once per band
Each North American country (except W/VE) once per band
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0300Z April 4, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
A1Club AWT: 1145Z-1300Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Member: RST + Name
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:April 7, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
CWops Test (CWT): 1300Z-1400Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Member: Name + Member No./"CWA"
non-Member: Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0800Z April 5, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest: 1700Z-2100Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:Europe
 Bands:144 MHz
 Classes:Single Op (Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >LP limit
LP: 2m: 100 watts, 70cm: 75 watts, 23cm: 10 watts
 Exchange:4-character grid square
 QSO Points:1 point per unique call sign
 Multipliers:Each grid square
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:2359Z April 7, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
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Mini-Test 40: 1700Z-1759Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:40m Only
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RST + Serial No.
 Work stations:Once per 10 minute period
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:April 4, 2025
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
Mini-Test 80: 1800Z-1859Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:80m Only
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:RST + Serial No.
 Work stations:Once per 10 minute period
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:April 4, 2025
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
CWops Test (CWT): 1900Z-2000Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Member: Name + Member No./"CWA"
non-Member: Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0800Z April 5, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
UKEICC 80m Contest: 2000Z-2100Z, Apr 2
 Geographic Focus:Europe
 Bands:80m Only
 Classes:Single Op Connected (High/Low/QRP)
Single Op Unconnected (High/Low/QRP)
 Max power:HP: 1500 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:6-Character grid square
 QSO Points:1 point per 500 km (10 pts max)
multiply QSO points by 2 if low power station
multiply QSO points by 4 if QRP station
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:2200Z April 2, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest: 0000Z-0100Z, Apr 3 and 0200Z-0300Z, Apr 4
 Geographic Focus:North America
 Bands:40m Only
 Classes:Single Op
 Max power:5 watts
 Exchange:Maximum 13 wpm
RST + (state/province/country) + Name + (Member No./power)
 Work stations:Once per day
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO with non-member
3 points per QSO with member on same continent
5 points per QSO with member on different continent
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:April 10, 2025
 E-mail logs to:(none)
 Upload log at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
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CWops Test (CWT): 0300Z-0400Z, Apr 3
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Member: Name + Member No./"CWA"
non-Member: Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0800Z April 5, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
CWops Test (CWT): 0700Z-0800Z, Apr 3
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
 Classes:Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
 Max power:HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
 Exchange:Member: Name + Member No./"CWA"
non-Member: Name + (state/province/country)
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:1 point per QSO
 Multipliers:Each call once
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
 Submit logs by:0800Z April 5, 2025
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
SARL 80m QSO Party: 1700Z-2000Z, Apr 3
 Geographic Focus:Worldwide
 Bands:80m Only
 Classes:Single Op
 Exchange:RS + Serial No. + Grid Locator or QTH
 QSO Points:10 points per QSO with South African station
15 points per QSO with non-South African station
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:2159Z April 15, 2025
 E-mail logs to:zs5durbanarc[at]gmail[dot]com
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
NRAU 10m Activity Contest: 1800Z-1900Z, Apr 3 (CW) and 1900Z-2000Z, Apr 3 (SSB) and 2000Z-2100Z, Apr 3 (FM) and 2100Z-2200Z, Apr 3 (Dig)
 Geographic Focus:Nordic Europe
 Mode:CW, SSB, FM, Digital
 Bands:10m Only
 Classes:Single Op
 Exchange:RS(T) + 6-character grid square
 QSO Points:(see rules)
 Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points
 Submit logs by:April 17, 2025
 E-mail logs to:10m[at]nrrlcontest[dot]no
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at:
SKCC Sprint Europe: 1900Z-2100Z, Apr 3
 Geographic Focus:Europe
 Bands:160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m
 Exchange:RST + (state/province/country) + Name + (SKCC No./"NONE")
 Work stations:Once per band
 QSO Points:(see rules)
 Multipliers:Each state, province, or country once
 Score Calculation:Total score = (total QSO points x total mults) + bonus points
 Submit logs by:April 10, 2025
 E-mail log summary to:(none)
 Post log summary at:
 Mail logs to:(none)
 Find rules at: